Easy Velcro Bed skirt

By December 29, 2011 , ,

So I broke down and finally got a replacement bed skirt for our master bedroom. I cheaped out and got a Microfiber cream box style one from Wal-mart not thinking about the black cat + cream microfiber = never going to look good combo.
Oh well, returning to Wal-mart if you can’t go at the oddest hour was goanna be painful and it was only $22 so I threw it on.
We have a low bed and a short height boxspring so now I had a microfiber cat hairy pooling bed skirt.

It was horrible.
Then Pinterest, entered my life.
Then pinterest showed me this lovely pin… from Ankas Treasures. She sews the whole bedskirt even.
Pinned Image
Bedskirt (3)Bedskirt (4)
So back to Wally-world I went to buy the big box of Adhesive Velcro, for $18
Bedskirt (6)
Then I pulled out the bed skirt, cut out the silky middle fabric from the middle (saved it to use as lining). On the corners I left a triangle of the silky stuff to help keep it aligned.
Bedskirt (2)Bedskirt (5)

Bedskirt (1)
Then little by little I attached the bottom to the boxspring and the top to top of the skirt and tada it was the perfect height.
So yes I spent $18 to salvage my $22 bed skirt, but hey at least the project is finally done!

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